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Cape Town, South Africa
Untamed, unwritten, and undone

Monday, July 5, 2010



Well, not really... but who doesn't love Alice and Wonderland? After all, this whole up-and-coming experience seems so surreal... I still can't figure out where my "wonderland" and real world finally met. However, I'm fairly sure that it became apparent today when I attempted to pack. WOW. My heightened excitement was brought back down to Earth (only temporarily of course) when I pulled out my two suitcases and realized what I was going to have to fit into those small empty spaces. In other words, my life in less than 50 lbs each.  

Tomorrow is my last day in Texas (insert: obnoxious disco move of pure happiness) before I jet off, on JetBlue no less, to NYC so that I can crank out a few more laughs and memories on American soil before Regan and I down a copious amount of sleep aids for our long day(s) of traveling. So, in order to accomplish the daunting task of packing without reaching for a vicoden or other strong pain killer, I chose the sensible route.... the best of Paul Simon (hence the post title). With "Outrageous" blaring so that the screaming child colony, my siblings, eating lunch on the first floor knew I was "out of the office and therefore unable to answer and calls" for the next millennium, otherwise known as my closet, I started to pack. As it turns out, it wasn't all that challenging. However, perhaps that means that my life is valued at about as much as a 50 lb suitcase! Although I do have to admit, I still think I overpacked... ouch. All was going well until I came across shoes... oh the tragedy. I literally cradled my few pairs of beloved heels in my lap for half of "Darling Loraine" before I neatly tucked them back into my closet. I'm pretty sure that they would be classified as part of the "unnecessary" articles to pack. After all, I'm feel that my pajamas probably deserved the spot. I'm not sure that I could picture myself bungee jumping from Victoria Falls in my Steve Maddens.

Some notables among the pile are a lifetime supply of NyQuil, Benadryl, Motrin, and, well... ladies you get the picture. I was also advised that packing Solo Cups would be a must... thats one part of American life that I would be ABSOLUTELY sad to leave behind. Someone robbing that suitcase would be seriously thrown off... however I would be quite devastated to find them displaced. Other than that, I really did come to understand the clichéd statement about not needing much "stuff." I mean, if everyone was cool with being naked all the time, I could probably reduce my life to a 6 lb toiletry bag. Luckily, I'm fairly positive that nudity is not widely accepted around the globe, except for those of you studying abroad in the opportunistic sections of Europe. Otherwise, I might really be insecure about my life's net worth. Just kidding, I'm not that materialistic, but not requiring much would be convenient!

With only a few small items remaining on my "ToDo" list for tomorrow, I think its safe to say that I am ready! I have to say that I am going to miss everyone greatly. All of my close friends and family have  helped me get to where I am now and that includes the act of making this decision to study abroad. So, as Paul Simon said, "Whose going to love you when your looks are gone," I do know (or at least hope) that all of you will! I promise not to get that ugly... unless of course I am dismantled by a Great White shark while abroad. In that case, I probably wouldn't give you a hard time if you did. On that note, Thank You :) Thank you for allowing and encouraging me to put vanity and material safety aside in order to plunge into the richness and vast beauty of this world and all of the people who I will meet along the way. I love yall' and will always keep you in my heart and the spirit of friendship in my walking shoes wherever I go!

"His path was marked by the stars in the southern hemisphere, and he walked his days 

under african skies." - Under African Skies, Paul Simon

TaTa amigos!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of the space you share with me on this earth!!! You are an amazing blessing to me and all that cross your path. Continue to walk HIS walk and your path will not be shaken but only bless those that join you in your journey! Go Get'em ALLY, you make me so happy! Love your very lucky MOM!
